Appears on: 
Down South

Reckless Records
Days an night
you´re in the core
if you win or you loose
you can´t tell no more
-break it up
soft lips, smart flips
roll the dice
with a cowlick in your eye
you hear the rooster cry
-keep it up
black ties, white lies
place your bets
at the break of dawn
incur your debts
-roll it up
red shoes, no blues
flip the coin
gettin ready for trouble
with a grip on her loin
-shake it up
wines and whiskeys
in the jar
there´s a one eyed pirate
behind the bar
-stir it up
down it, drain it
lick the ice
when the barmaids smiling
and the rooster cries
-break it up
Copyright © steinar raknes, reckless as