Chasing The Real Things

All songs start from the heartbeat of the land
Leaving footprints in the sand
Everything has a song to bring you home
To make you look at time from beyond
Leaves swept away, the wind blows 'em back
By the rules of the earth and the breath of life
In my dreams I am seeing things
That help me look at time from beyond
Seven sisters made the earth
Singing and dancing of joy
and mirth
Planting their seeds under the sun
The source of life from a time from beyond
The sun is fire, and fire's within you
Keeps you going, whatever you do
Give your warmth to the people that you meet
On your path to a time from beyond
We have light and we have love,
We have dance and we have song
Life is forever, the earth to be
The essence of life from a time from beyond
Copyright © steinar raknes, reckless as