
Remember your first randevouz
He was sweet and good to you
Now he´s the reason of your sadness
Your life is turning into madness
He is fading now, he can only make you blue
"Oh baby come get on this train now, it is waiting for you "
There is something more than tins
Baby you know where it is
Do you remember that morning
You told me that "today is the day, I will give him no warning"
I can see it in you're eyes that you're not there
"You're so tangled up in fear now, you make life disappear"
Trees let go of their leaves
The warden sends away the thieves
A yellow field will soon be covered
By a fiery coat and the haze, her mystic lover
You success is hiding tears in the rain
"Oh baby come get on this train now, it is waiting for you"
Copyright © steinar raknes, reckless as